2018年2月28日 星期三

Developer's Notes - Part 7

Hail Heroes!
It's the Developer's Team here again with more exciting news for you, our Heroes! Today, we will be giving you more information on the heart of the Clan, the Castle Siege. 
We are finally about to meet the key aspect of the original Lineage2 Revolution, the Castle Siege. However, our Developer's Team had a lot of concerns about how to implement the Castle Siege in a mobile environment. We believe that it is important to convey the original sense of the Castle Siege, but having a massive battle like this in a mobile environment may provide some challenges. We had a lot of concerns about the optimum rules and so we carried out in-depth testing. We will be able to present you with a Castle Siege that has been refined to perfection. 
In the Castle Siege there are 4 Clans, 1 Defending Clan and 3 attacking Clans, which are involved in a bloody battle. The Clan that manages to imprint the Holy Artifact in the Castle becomes the Castle's Owner. If none of the attacking Clans manage to imprint the Holy Artifact, then the defending Clan will remain as the Castle's Owner. There are a variety of variables in the Castle Siege as all 4 Clans are in a "Free for All" type of violent collision. Also, traps and guard towers have been added to the map. 
Here is an explanation with a detailed map of how the Castle Siege differs from the Fortress Siege.
There are a number of routes available for both attacking and defending Clans, using various strategies, to reach the Holy Artifact. Depending on your strategy, you can choose the central, left or right route after passing through the outermost gate and defeating the first guard tower. The left and right routes will each have a modification that provides a buff. This will act as a device that will induce a fierce battle on not only the left and right routes but also on the central route. 
In the central route, there is one more guard tower which is difficult to penetrate. However, if this guard tower is penetrated, it will be the fastest route for an attacking Clan to reach the Holy Artifact.  Even though it is not the easiest, it is the most strategically useful route. Since it would not be easy for the defending Clan to defend the left and right routes, we have put in place a number of traps when entering the Castle. In the trap areas, the defending Clan will be able to defend the attacking Clans with a small number of players. 
So far we have explained the basic rules of the Castle Siege. 
Our Developer's Team pondered on whether making pairs in the Castle Siege, as in sports, where the reigning owner had to defeat the Castle would be more enjoyable. We also thought that the "Political" factor may be one of the most enjoyable points in the massive battle between the Clans. So we have come up with a way to make the existing alliance system much more useful in the Castle Siege. The "Free for All" method is the basic method but if we make it such that Clans do not attack their ally Clans then the fights between the Clans after the bidding ends would be epic. In other words, the Castle Siege will be a massive battle where power and politics will be required. 
In addition, we are expecting tremendous benefits that have never been seen before! Benefits that are definitely made with an "Owner" in mind. The size of the rewards will vary depending on the location and size of the Castle. We have also prepared a special Conqueror Shop for Clans that manage to occupy a Castle. In order to increase the fun and boost the competitive spirit we will add a tax system as well. Clans that occupy a Castle can choose either the Castle of Light or the Castle of Darkness. The tax system will vary depending on which of the two is chosen.
We have also prepared a Castle Siege Festival for you, our Heroes. This device is not only for the minority of users that participated in the Castle Siege but also for all users who are curious about the results of the Castle Siege. You will be able to acquire a Castle Siege Festival Ticket on the day of the Castle Siege from the field. You will be able to exchange this ticket for a cheer voucher for the Clan you think will win. If the team you cheered for wins, you will be able to obtain rewards.
We will have the Pre-Season of the Castle Siege for two weeks and then the Regular Castle Siege Season will open. We will provide the schedule and more details in a further notice. 
We are creating history with the Castle Siege where not only strategy and power are need but also politics. We will show the heart of the Clan through the Siege and also through the Castle Siege Festival where all users can participate. We are excited to see the new appearance of Lineage2 Revolution with the new update and systems added. The new contents will not only let our Heroes experience a variety of fun gameplay but will also let users experience real MMORPG fun gameplay! We believe that the main attraction of MMORPG is experiencing gameplay with others forming a story where Heroes come together and interact through cooperation. 
This is all we have for you today in our Developer's Notes. We will continue to do our best as the Developer’s Team.
Thank you.
This Developer's Notes is based on contents that are currently under development. Therefore, there may be some changes at the time of the actual update.
* Update Details will be given in a further notice.



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