Common skills
Skill image | Skill name | type | MP consumption | Consumed HP | Consumed materials | Lasting times | Explanation |
relax | Passive | - | - | - | - | Increases your physical resilience by relieving mental and physical tension. [Detailed] HP Recovery (Tick) +5 | |
Increase weight | Passive | - | - | - | - | Will cost more stuff. [Details] Maximum Body Weight +200 | |
Teleport | active | - | - | - | - | Random Teleportation Skill (replaces Teleportation Order) | |
Armor mastery | Passive | - | - | - | - | Improves armor by increasing armor proficiency. [Detail] Armor +1 | |
Blade control | Passive | - | - | - | - | Improves accuracy by boosting melee attacks. [Detailed] Close Range Accuracy +1 | |
Arrow control | Passive | - | - | - | - | Improves hits by increasing the ranged mastery. [Detail] Long Range Hit +1 | |
Magic controls | Passive | - | - | - | - | Improves hits by increasing the skill of magic attacks. [Detail] Magical Accuracy +1 | |
Improv Blade | Passive | - | - | - | - | Improves damage from close range attacks. [Detailed Effect] Short Range Damage +1 | |
Improv Arrow | Passive | - | - | - | - | Increases the damage of ranged attacks. [Detail] Long Range Damage +1 | |
Improv Magic | Passive | - | - | - | - | Improves damage of magic attacks. [Detail] Magic Damage +1 | |
Resist skills | Passive | - | - | - | - | Enemies have increased resistance to skill attacks. [Details] Skill Resistance +10 | |
Incredibles Health | Passive | - | - | - | - | HP max is increased. [Detail] Max HP +150 | |
Increase Mana | Passive | - | - | - | - | The MP maximum is increased. [Detail] Max MP +50 | |
Critical Resist | Passive | - | - | - | - | Increases resistance to critical strikes. [Detail] Critical Damage + 5% | |
Incredence Defense | Passive | - | - | - | - | Armor increased. [Detail] Armor +2 | |
Sharp eye | Passive | - | - | - | - | Hits increased. [Detail] Hit +1 | |
Increment Attack | Passive | - | - | - | - | All damage is increased. [Detail] All Damage +1 | |
Increase Critical | Passive | - | - | - | - | Increases the chance of critically damaging an enemy. [Detail] Critical Strike + 5% | |
Accurate | Passive | - | - | - | - | Weapon skills have been improved to increase hits. [Detail] Hit +3 | |
Evasion Mastery | Passive | - | - | - | - | Sharpen and wield agile movements to improve your ability to evade enemy attacks. [Detailed Effects] Short Range Evasion +3 Long Range Evasion +3 Magic Evasion +3 | |
Weapon Mastery | Passive | - | - | - | - | Weapon maintenance is improved, resulting in increased damage. [Detail] Weapon Damage +4 | |
Chaos Hunter | Passive | - | - | - | - | You have the power to fight chaos. Increases damage against infamous enemies. [Detail] Additional Chaotic Target Damage +5 | |
Increase Strength | Passive | - | - | - | - | STR is increased. [Details] STR +3 | |
Increx Dexterity | Passive | - | - | - | - | DEX is increased. [Details] DEX +3 | |
Increase Intelligence | Passive | - | - | - | - | INT is incremented. [Details] INT +3 | |
Increment Agility | Passive | - | - | - | - | AGI increases. [Details] AGI +3 | |
Increase Wisdom | Passive | - | - | - | - | WIS increases. [Details] WIS +3 | |
Increment Constitution | Passive | - | - | - | - | CON increases. [Details] CON +3 | |
Salvation | Passive | - | - | - | - | After death, all health is restored and resurrected. | |
Stern Resist | Passive | - | - | - | - | Stun resistance is increased. [Detail] Stun Resistance + 5% | |
Hold resist | Passive | - | - | - | - | Increased resistance to movement disturbances . [Details] Hold Resistance + 5% | |
Eternal life | Passive | - | - | - | - | Potion healing increased. [Detailed Effect] Potion Recovery +10 | |
Invincible Champion | Passive | - | - | - | - | PvP damage reduction is increased. [Detail] PvP Damage Reduction +5 | |
Furnishings | Passive | - | - | - | - | PvP damage increased. [Detail] PvP Damage +5 |